
POST new-vendor-requests/{id}/comments/

body = {"message": "This comment will be added to the NVR"}

To add a comment to a New Vendor Request identified by {id} add a body to the request that will have one key pair: "message": "Comment to add." .


POST /api/new-vendor-requests/20100/comments/

body = {"message": "This comment will be added to the NVR"}

Request Parameters

There are no request parameters for this API.

Success Codes

HTTP Status CodeExceptionDescription
201CreatedThe comment is added to the New Vendor Request.

Sample Response

Returns the number of objects added, in this case one. Example:

Error Codes

HTTP Status CodeExceptionDescription
400Bad RequestThe request could not be understood by the server due to incorrect syntax.
401UnauthenticatedThe request requires user authentication information. Your API token is missing or invalid.
403ForbiddenUnauthorized request. The client does not have access rights to the content. Unlike 401, the client’s identity is known to the server.
404Not FoundYou are trying to retrieve comments for a non existing NVR.


Service UnavailableThe request has failed due to a temporary failure of the server. You can try this request at a later time.

Calling the API