Get All Tags for a New Vendor Request
GET new-vendor-requests/{id}/tags/
eturns a JSON object that contains all tags associated with a New Vendor Request identified by {id}. The user performing this request has to be authorized to View New Vendor Requests.
GET /api/new-vendor-requests/16493/tags/
This sample call will return all tags that are associated with New Vendor Registration 16493.
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description | Example |
page | Number | Page number within the paginated result set to return. | page=2 will return the second page |
per_page | Number | Number of results to return per page. Default value is 10. | per_page=20 will return twenty New Vendor Requests per page |
Sample Response
An example JSON response can be seen here:
{ "count": 4, "next": null, "previous": null, "results": [ { "id": 249, "created": "2022-06-13T15:58:47.455763-04:00", "modified": "2022-06-13T15:58:47.456167-04:00", "name": "Test_tag_1", "acct": 14268, "nvrs": [ 16493 ] }, { "id": 248, "created": "2022-06-13T15:55:08.453426-04:00", "modified": "2022-06-13T15:55:08.453711-04:00", "name": "Test_tag_2", "acct": 14268, "nvrs": [ 16493 ] } ] }
Response Key/Value Explanations
Key | Type | Sample Value | Description |
count | Number | 4 | The number of tags retrieved. |
next | URL | | The URL to the next page or null if there are no further pages to return. |
previous | URL | | The URL to the previous page or null if this is the first page. |
results | Array of JSON objects | [ { Tag 1 },
{ Tag 2 }, { Tag 3} … ] | An array of JSON objects where each object is one tag. This array is always at most one page long. |
Each tag is returned as a JSON object: E.g.:
{ "id": 252, "created": "2022-06-13T16:36:11.700717-04:00", "modified": "2022-06-13T16:36:11.701057-04:00", "name": "Tag_Name", "acct": 14268, "nvrs": [ 16493 ] }
HTTP Response Codes
Status Code | Description |
200 OK | Success |
400 Bad Request | The request could not be understood by the server due to incorrect syntax. |
401 Unauthenticated | The request requires user authentication information. Your API token is missing or invalid. |
403 Forbidden | Permission Denied – User does not have permission to perform this request |
404 Not Found | The resource you requested on the server does not exist |
500 | The request has failed due to a temporary failure of the server. You can try this request at a later time. |
503 | The request has failed due to a temporary failure of the server. You can try this request at a later time. |