The data within your vendor master file is relied upon by your entire organization every day. Procurement, risk, finance, business owners… decisions are made, deals are struck, and risk is assessed—or not- based on what has been input into your ERP.
With so much at stake, why do so many organizations consider vendor onboarding and management as a tactical, administrative function and not the strategic gateway to better business that it actually is?
With footage from her keynote at The Strategic Importance of Your Vendor Master (April 12, 2023), Debra Richardson, MBA, APM, APPM, CPRS and Angela Sarno from PaymentWorks will discuss why your organization likely isn’t valuing this position relative to its responsibilities, and how lax onboarding procedures and policies can damage an entire organization.
With a walkthrough of the risks inherent in manual processes and how to tackle overhauling your processes to avoid fraud, fines, and lousy vendor data, attendees will leave with a blueprint for how and where investing in automation is critical to your success.