Change New Vendor Request Status to Processed
PATCH /api/new-vendor-requests/{id}/
body = {"request_status": "2"}
Returns a set of new vendors that satisfy all selected request parameters. The user performing this request has to be authorized to View New Vendor Requests.
To change the status from Approved to Processed of a New Vendor Request identified by {id}, add a body to the request that will have one key pair: "request_status": "2"
. This API call is idempotent.
The user performing this request has to be authorized to Change New Vendor Request Status.
PATCH /api/new-vendor-requests/20100/
body = {"request_status": "2"}
You can only change the request status of a New Vendor Request to Processed if the current request status is Approved. The request status can not be moved back from Processed to Approved.
Request Parameters
Sample Response
An example JSON response can be seen here:
{ "id": 19658, "request_status": "Processed", "requesting_company": { "id": 12593, "name": "Home Depot" }, "ts": "2023-01-11T15:10:37.668916-05:00", "user_can_approve": false, "user_can_bypass": false, "pending_approvers": [], "latest_sent_msg_id": null, "is_resubmitted": false, "last_submitted_ts": "2023-01-11T15:10:37.667110-05:00", "request_type": "Edit", "registration_routing": { "op_code": "overwrite_exiting", "annotation": "", "related_site_code": "2", "related_vendor_number": "12345" }, "tags": [] }
Response Key/Value Explanations
Key | Type | Sample Value | Description |
id | Number | 20100 | The unique ID for the New Vendor Request. |
request_status | String | Processed | The current request status of the New Vendor Request. Possible values are:
requesting_company | JSON object | { | The identifier and name of the company that submitted the registration. |
ts | DateTime | 2023-01-11T15:10:37.668916-05:00 | Timestamp of when the New Vendor Request was first created. |
last_submitted_ts | DateTime | 2023-01-11T15:10:37.667110-05:00 | The timestamp of when this New Vendor Request was last submitted. |
request_type | String | Full | The registration type. Possible values are:
HTTP Response Codes
Status Code | Description |
200 OK | The HTTP request succeeded. |
400 Bad Request | The request could not be understood by the server due to incorrect syntax. |
401 Unauthenticated | The request requires user authentication information. Your API token is missing or invalid. |
403 Forbidden | Permission Denied – User does not have permission to perform this request |
404 Not Found | The resource you requested on the server does not exist |
500 | The request has failed due to a temporary failure of the server. You can try this request at a later time. |
503 | The request has failed due to a temporary failure of the server. You can try this request at a later time. |